Quality Squared
Or: What does extended control mean for us and which elements of our work process are subject to which control system?
Wolfgang Schönauer-Gustenau
At AVILOO, we are experts and innovation leaders in the field of battery diagnostics and battery data analysis. With our independent and cross-manufacturer tests, we offer reliable tools for the evaluation of electric cars. Although we are a very young company, the importance of certification and quality control was clear to us from the beginning. Corresponding processes were thought through and implemented from the very beginning. That is why we can show excellent results in these areas.
We place the highest quality demands on ourselves and our products. Therefore, we have implemented a quality management system that supports us in delivering the best products and service to our customers and partners. Our quality management system was certified by Quality Austria according to ISO 9001:2015 in 2021.
Our quality management system ensures that our self-developed hardware and software as well as our development, production and service processes are subject to constant quality control. Our suppliers are also covered by the quality management system and are subject to our quality controls.
In addition to our work processes, our technology has also been certified. The PREMIUM Test and the associated processes were tested by TÜV Austria. With the TÜV Austria test mark, we want to show that our test management and our product are based on the principles of integrity and professionalism.
The following are examples from our practical experience:
- During the expansion of our portfolio with a new vehicle model, we have implemented an accompanying quality control process
- Every AVILOO Box, for example, is checked in an automated process before reuse and shipment to customers
- For each software update, a comprehensive functional test is carried out before release
In order to be able to guarantee our customers and partners the highest level of safety and quality with our services, we control test results in addition to work processes. Before we issue a certificate after a PREMIUM Test, the test results are checked by our experts and approved according to the dual control principle.
Nevertheless, we do not rest on our laurels. Within the framework of continuous improvement, which runs parallel to new developments, we constantly strive to improve ourselves, our processes and our products and services for our customers.
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