IZ NÖ-Süd, Straße 16, Objekt 69/5
2355 Wiener Neudorf
VAT Nr.: ATU 737 81605
FN: 502117 h

VAT number (Switzerland)
CHE-150.653.848 MWST

Phone number:

AT +43 2236 514 010

IT +43 2236 514 010

DE +49 89 3801 2609

NO +47 35 69 7050

BE +32 2 253 28 34

FR +33 3 75 90 00 61

SE +46 8 525 032 50

CH +41 61 588 17 95

UK +44 20 4587 6831

NL +31 20 808 0188

Represented by:
Dr. Marcus Berger, DI Nikolaus Mayerhofer, DI Wolfgang Berger

Technical implementation: External IT Solutions

Time Icon: made by Perpixel from

Icons made by Pixel perfect from,

Basic direction / Leaf line: Information about battery diagnostics and AVILOO products, as well as promotion of their sales.

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