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Trusted by leading companies


After a leasing period has expired and the vehicle returns to the leasing company, the vehicle should be checked all around. In the case of electric and plug-in hybrid cars, the condition of the battery after the leasing period is a crucial factor. So, from both an environmental and economic perspective, there is every reason to invest money in a high-quality battery test from AVILOO, rather than a new vehicle.


Here you can order AVILOO licences directly.

Thanks to the FLASH Test and PREMIUM Test, the condition of the electric battery can be easily determined after a leasing period. Moreover, the battery tests are neither time-consuming nor costly. Our certified tests provide you with clear and reliable data for evaluating the battery, so that you can offer your customers a flawless leased vehicle.
With our license options, you have the option of ordering both tests together at the same time. This is especially advantageous if there are batteries to be tested on a regular basis - as is the case with leasing companies, for example.

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AVILOO FLASH Test - The perfect solution!

The AVILOO FLASH Test is perfect for this - it is accurate, easy to handle, reliable and done within 3 minutes. Existing AVILOO customers, such as the Austrian Post, therefore use our tests to efficiently check a large number of electric vehicles. By regularly checking the traction batteries, companies can not only minimize the risk of complications during delivery, but also reduce costs.

Additionally, our PREMIUM Test can be applied regularly to elicit SoH from the battery. Even if the FLASH test shows a bad score, the PREMIUM test can help to identify specific weak points.

FLASH Test (copy)

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AVILOO Reverse Engineering, Ing. Lukas Gos

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360°-Ansatz - umfassend & vollständig; DI Nikolaus Mayerhofer, CTO

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AVILOO Algorithmus & Weiterentwicklung, Patrick Schabus MSc

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Within one hour, you will learn everything about the

AVILOO FLASH test and battery diagnosis.

The next webinar starts on: 11.04.2025 10:00 - 10:45 CET (Deutsch)

The value of our technology is measured by the satisfaction of those who have tried it:

I have to tell you: I have no other comparable device that works so simply and intuitively and is so well thought out. The battery test is quick and easy and by the time I get back to my desk, the report is already on the computer. With the SIM card in the device - you simply can't beat that. No annoying plugging in and problems with data retrieval / synchronization - no matter how quickly you return to the office from the test vehicle, the test result is already on the computer. So I'm more than satisfied, I'm thrilled with the device!

— Klemens Neher
Serviceleitung Auto-Team

Ich freue mich, dass meine Kunden durch diese Kooperation mit AVILOO selbst ihre Batteriegesundheit bestimmen können und somit immer genau wissen wie es um Ihre Hochvoltbatterie steht.

— Patrick Hinkämper
Geprüfter KFZ-Sachverständiger (DESAG) HP-Fahrzeugtechnik

We are extremely satisfied with our collaboration with the AVILOO team. Thanks to their comprehensive support, we were able to integrate AVILOO‘s battery diagnostics system into our existing structure quickly and easily.

— Eva Rothe
Commercial Director Arval Deutschland


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