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Healthy battery of an electric car

This will keep your battery healthy.

Tips for you to keep your electric car battery healthy and happy longer.

tips & tricks

2022-04-23 10:29
Full charge

Yes? No? If yes, then when?



2024-04-12 13:22
AVILOO Tech Show - Driving Behaviour

Watch our new video in which DI Nikolaus Mayerhofer, the AVILOO CTO, explains the results of our extensive study on the influence of driver behavior on the degradation of electric vehicles. We strive to contribute to transparency in the field of electromobility and provide you with informative insights!

2024-03-01 12:00
The main factor in buying and selling used electric vehicles

There is still a lot of skepticism among consumers when it comes to buying a used electric vehicle. A recent one from the renowned DAT...

2024-02-16 13:25
Saving Electricity on the Road: The Key Role of Driving Behaviour In The Battery Aging Of Electric Vehicles

AVILOO Battery Diagnostics has conducted a comprehensive study on the influence of driver behaviour on battery aging in electric vehicles to contribute to transparency in the field of electromobility.


2022-04-22 10:27
Why you should do a battery test

What you need to know about the aging of the battery of an electric or hybrid car....

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