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Hos AVILOO er vi en farverig flok med forskellige baggrunde og ét mål: at etablere AVILOO som den globale markeds- og innovationsleder inden for batteridataanalyse! Vores team består af 30 højt motiverede medarbejdere, der fuldender AVILOOs batteriløsninger med friske ideer, innovative tilgange, fascinerende teknisk viden og absolut kundefokus.

Vores fantastiske team kommer fra syv lande, med i alt 35 livretter og seks forskellige sprog. Vi er en trup, hvor der ud over professionalisme aldrig mangler humor.


Bliv ekspert i AVILOO-batterier!


Partner und CEO/CFO, Managing Director

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." Mark Twain

+43 2236 374 036
Founder und COO, Managing Director

"Success does not come from follow." Carsten K. Rath

+43 2236 374 036
Founder und CTO, Managing Director

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained" Theodor Fontane

+43 2236 374 036

Tilfredse AVILOO'er!

"It is exciting to be part of the company growth and to be able to contribute to it. We have already come a long way until the market launch. In our great team, everyone pulls together and that's why we will also master future challenges."

— Petra Rosenberger
Office Management Team

"A successful company is based on a strong team. In our team we have the best! Since we developed the first independent test procedure for Li-Ion batteries, we are not only setting the direction for the company's development, but for the entire industry. Truly priceless!"

— Radinka Danilov Sehovic
Marketing & Communication Team

"My work at AVILOO gives me the opportunity to realize myself and to drive our team and our company forward. I see the battery tests we develop and offer as a valuable contribution to a more sustainable and better future."

— Wolfgang Schönauer-Gustenau
Quality Management Team

"There are new challenges and opportunities to contribute every day at AVILOO. In a dynamic international environment, many different talents can develop and contribute to the company's success. Being creative and at the same time taking on responsibility early on - that's how I imagine the start-up experience, which is also prevalent at AVILOO."

— Leopold Tintera
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