Quicker Test - Faster Growth
AVILOO FLASH Battery Test: quicker test - faster growth
The demand for a fast test of traction batteries is increasing rapidly. AVILOO, the global leader in battery diagnostics, has responded by launching a rapid test as a B2B solution: the AVILOO FLASH Test, the fastest comprehensive battery test on the market.
Since the introduction of the test, it has established itself as a real growth booster. Both for AVILOO and for the B2B customers who use this new test procedure. The interest is enormously high. Our partners from eleven countries have already successfully introduced the FLASH Test. In just two months, several hundred AVILOO boxes were used for the FLASH Test.
This enables them to address completely new customer segments. From leasing companies, fleet managers to branch-based garages, the AVILOO FLASH battery test is already being used successfully in eleven European countries.
The FLASH test is the only rapid test available on the market that can analyse defects at cell level. Currently, the method already covers more than 80% of all electric vehicle models typically already offered on the used car market. The list of approved models grows every week.
Advantages of the rapid test:
1. Fast
The test takes only three minutes to complete. This speeds up the testing of a larger number of cars considerably. The AVILOO FLASH Test is therefore particularly attractive for professional users who carry out battery analyses for several vehicles.
2. No driving required
The test provides a comprehensive analysis of the functionality of the traction battery without having to move the vehicle - as is the case with the AVILOO PREMIUM Test, which provides an even deeper State of Health analysis. The FLASH Test is thus suitable for applications where the vehicle to be tested cannot be moved or can hardly be moved, for example in the case of lease returns.
3. Independent AVILOO Score
The manufacturer-independent AVILOO score is determined by analysing a large amount of collected test data. In addition, battery historical data - such as total energy consumption, number of charge and full cycles, driving behaviour, etc. - is interpreted by BIG DATA applications and integrated into the AVILOO score. The AVILOO score is thus a combination of current measured values and historical data. The higher the score, the better the battery condition. A lower score implies increased risks for possibly necessary repairs and means a reduction in the value of the vehicle. In the event of substantial risks, the FLASH test provides a "Red Flag" report.
4. Multiple test categories and parameters
The FLASH test measures several parameters in different test categories:
a) Vehicle communication: it tests whether all required signals are available and plausible, whether the sampling rate of each signal is correct and whether the signal quality meets the requirements;
b) Battery controller: it is tested whether the estimated battery SoC is correct, whether the estimated battery SoH is plausible, whether the cell SoC's are correct and the cell SoH's are plausible, whether all temperature sensors as well as cell voltage sensors are OK;
c) HV battery condition: battery current, battery voltage, cell voltage deviation and cell temperature deviation;
d) Low voltage system: 12V battery voltage and power supply voltage;
e) Battery history: BMS estimated health status, average consumption, fast charge cycles and normal charge cycles, SoC and DoD histogram, equalisation times and full battery cycles.
5. Easy handling
The FLASH Test is very simple to perform: connect the AVILOO Box to the OBD port of the vehicle and switch on the vehicle. Three minutes later the result is available.
6. Improved performance
The performance of the AVILOO Box has been improved so that both AVILOO battery tests, FLASH and PREMIUM, can now be carried out simply and easily with one device.
B2B customers who have given us feedback on our FLASH Test so far include leasing companies, car appraisers, workshops and car dealers. The feedback we have received is extremely positive and confirms the use cases we have based the development of the fastest, comprehensive test for electric car traction batteries. Our leasing customers find that the test is a real added value, as it can be integrated very well into the rather busy workflow of a leasing return. Garages appreciate the good overview that the test gives of the condition of a traction battery; if they need even more detailed parameters, for example a measured state-of-health, they follow up with the PREMIUM battery test. In general, the measured parameters are rated as highly relevant and the data obtained as excellent for the job. In the customer experience segment, users find that the test can also be carried out spontaneously and that the result is available quite quickly. The test was also readily accepted because of its practicability and its simplicity, as the battery condition is expressed with only one number ("AVILOO Score" note). This makes it easy for end users to understand. Customers cite the speed of the test as the primary test attribute and see the FLASH Test as an optimal way to perform a quick diagnosis and battery evaluation. This makes the AVILOO FLASH Test, the fastest comprehensive battery test on the market, the ideal complement to our AVILOO PREMIUM Test, the most comprehensive battery test on the market.
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