Faster to the Goal with Battery Testing
Used E-Cars and Plug-in Hybrids – Understanding Buyer Behavior
AVILOO business partners, such as Manheim Express Europe - a subsidiary of Cox Automotive -are presenting compelling figures on their new business growth driven by battery test certificates. You can find the numbers further down in this blog.
AVILOO’s secret to success, which benefits our customers, is simple: We guarantee precise knowledge of the health status of EV batteries and create absolute transparency. To gain clarity about our target markets and better understand how end customers currently think in the automotive market, we conducted a study in 2024 on the dynamics of the e-car market.
Our Europe-wide online market survey, the AVILOO Remarketing Study*, examined buyer behavior in the used car market concerning battery test certificates - whether they accompany the offered e-car or plug-in hybrid vehicle during the sales process or not. Here is a summary of the key findings from this insightful survey of 913 EV end customers and potential EV buyers:
Profit Maximization
When a battery test certificate is presented during the purchase of a used EV or plug-in hybrid, customers are willing to pay a higher price for the vehicle - ranging from at least €550 to €1,100*.
Price Transparency and Target Audience Expansion
The State of Health (SoH) of an EV battery is the determining factor in evaluating the vehicle’s residual value and, therefore, in pricing. With the AVILOO certificate, the battery is no longer a "black box"; its condition becomes transparent and verifiable. This makes pricing more comprehensible and comparable.
A large number of potential e-vehicle buyers would typically only consider purchasing new cars. However, 57%* of them would also consider buying a used vehicle if its battery condition were precisely certified by an independent test. The presence of a battery test certificate increases the likelihood of selling used EVs by 36%*.
Competitive Advantage – Trust Building – Security
Dealers offering a battery certificate are considered particularly trustworthy by 81%* of customers. A test certificate from a neutral entity, like AVILOO, is already at the top of customers’ wish lists. Our representative remarketing study shows that 75%* of used EV buyers expect a test certificate confirming the battery’s SoH (State of Health) to be included.
Providing security and trust to end customers through an independent battery certificate simplifies sales processes and accelerates the turnover of listings. This is evident in a recently published example from a major AVILOO client, which we are sharing here.
Measured Customer Success
Used Car Auctioneer: Manheim Express Europe
AVILOO client Manheim Express, a company within the Cox Group, reports a significant improvement in its sales processes when accompanied by an independent battery test certificate. They describe "transparency as the key to sales and a decisive factor in purchase decisions."
After nine months of collaboration and integrating independent AVILOO battery test certificates into their vehicle listings, Manheim Express shared the following measurable successes on social media (12) Posten | LinkedIn.
📈 +29.3% more bids per vehicle
👥 +22.4% more bidders
🚀 +33.4% higher sales rate
Manheim Express can now fully deliver on its promise of "maximum security" and "smooth transaction processes" for its electric vehicle business too - clearly reflected in the success figures from recent months.
* Remarketing Study 2024: n=913, survey period: 06-07/2024, online study conducted in Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Norway, and Sweden – Van Westendorp method.
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